Liberate Science GmbH Accountability & Justice (s03e06) In season 3, episode 6, we talk about questionable academic practices. Labs Open Update Apr 25, 2023
Liberate Science GmbH Recap: Into the Fediverse We did a deep dive into decentralized social media - in case you missed it, here is a recap and next steps. Labs Apr 18, 2023
Liberate Science GmbH On the return of in-person conferences (s03e05) 🔈This is the transcript of the Open Update. Find the original audio on . [00:00:00] Chris Hartgerink: Hi and welcome to the Open Update. This is a show to help us and you calibrate our sense... Labs Open Update Apr 11, 2023
Liberate Science GmbH Privacy as a form of openness: Moving away from Google Suite Privacy and openness are intertwined. But how does it affect how we conduct our business? Operations Apr 4, 2023
Liberate Science GmbH The case of professor Susanne Täuber (s03e04) In season 3, episode 4, we talk through the case of professor Susanne Täuber and try to make some sense of it. Labs Open Update Mar 28, 2023
Liberate Science GmbH Partnering with PubCasts ResearchEquals partnered with Pubcasts to make it easier to make your audio-articles part of your research portfolio. ResearchEquals Mar 21, 2023
Liberate Science GmbH How does who you are influence how you explore the world? (s03e03) 🔈This is the transcript of the Open Update. Find the original audio on . [00:00:00] Chris Hartgerink: Welcome to the Open Update season three. I'm one of your hosts, Chris Hartgerink [00:00:... Labs Open Update Mar 14, 2023
Liberate Science GmbH ResearchEquals Supporting Memberships ResearchEquals supporting memberships are available. Sign up to shape how ResearchEquals evolves. ResearchEquals Mar 9, 2023
Liberate Science GmbH Supporting DORA’s 10th Anniversary A decade ago, the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment launched. I know I referenced it a lot in my efforts to improve research, and I bet many of you did too! It is with great pride I can... Labs Mar 7, 2023
Liberate Science GmbH A reading of the "Guerilla Open Access Manifesto" (s03e02) 🔈This is the transcript of the Open Update. Find the original audio on . Welcome to the Open Update. I'm your host Chris Hartgerink and this week, we don’t have a regular episode for you. Th... Labs Open Update Feb 28, 2023
Liberate Science GmbH Shutting down our preprint bots Preprint bots are shut down due to sudden changes to the Twitter API. Labs Feb 21, 2023
Liberate Science GmbH Getting to know your new co-host! (s03e01) 🔈 Find the original audio on In this episode, we get to know our new co-host! The Open Update podcast is a space to have conversations and continuously update what it means to be open. In se... Labs Open Update Feb 14, 2023